Online Debate Planning Guide


1. Choose a Debate Format

Online debates can take various formats, so it's important to determine which one you're participating in. Some common formats include:

  • British Parliamentary (BP): Four teams, two sides (Government and Opposition), two speakers per team.
  • Policy Debate: Two teams (Affirmative and Negative) debate a policy resolution, with each team having two speakers.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate: A one-on-one debate focusing on values and resolutions.
  • Public Forum Debate: Two teams of two people, focusing on current events.

Action Step: Confirm which format you'll be using and familiarize yourself with the rules and expectations.

2. Select a Resolution or Topic

  • For Policy and Parliamentary Debates: Choose a specific resolution or topic to debate, such as politics, social issues, or philosophy.
  • For Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum: Pick a current, engaging topic, preferably one that allows both sides to present compelling arguments.

Action Step: If the resolution is given, carefully read and understand it. If you have to pick a topic, consider something timely, debatable, and with clear sides.


1. Research the Topic Thoroughly

  • Both sides: Understand the arguments from both perspectives. This will help you anticipate counterarguments and strengthen your own position.
  • Credible sources: Use academic articles, books, expert opinions, reputable news sources, and debate forums to gather information.
  • Statistics and facts: Use reliable data and evidence to support your argument, and ensure you can cite sources during the debate.

Action Step: Create a research plan to explore both sides of the argument. Bookmark articles, watch interviews, and take detailed notes.

2. Prepare Your Arguments

  • Construct a clear position: Outline your main points clearly and concisely.
  • Support with evidence: Each argument should be backed with solid evidence like statistics, case studies, or expert testimony.
  • Counterarguments: Prepare responses to potential arguments from the opposing side.

Action Step: Organize your main arguments in a structured format (e.g., introduction, key points, and conclusion). For each point, add evidence and possible counterarguments.

3. Structure Your Speech

Most debates follow a clear speech structure. Here's an outline:

  • Opening Statement: Present your position and summarize the main points you’ll argue.
  • Constructive Arguments: Present and elaborate on your primary arguments.
  • Rebuttals: Respond to your opponent’s points and refute them logically.
  • Closing Statement: Summarize the debate, reiterate key points, and deliver a strong closing argument.

Action Step: Write a speech for each segment (opening, constructive, rebuttals, and closing).

4. Rehearse Your Delivery

  • Practice speaking clearly and confidently: Debate is about both content and presentation. Practice projecting your voice, maintaining good posture, and engaging with the audience.
  • Timing: Ensure you speak within your allotted time.
  • Body Language: Use gestures to emphasize key points but avoid distracting habits.

Action Step: Rehearse your speech multiple times, focusing on clarity, pacing, and body language.

5. Anticipate Counterarguments

  • Critical thinking: Anticipate possible counterarguments and think through responses. Consider weaknesses in your position.
  • Preemptive strikes: Address weaknesses in your own argument before the opposition can.

Action Step: Create a list of possible rebuttals to your argument and prepare answers.

6. Organize Team Roles (if applicable)

In team debates, assign specific roles and tasks:

  • First Speaker: Introduces the topic, sets the framework, and outlines the main arguments.
  • Second Speaker: Supports and elaborates on arguments made by the first speaker.
  • Rebuttal Speaker: Focuses on answering the opposition’s arguments and reinforcing the team’s case.
  • Closing Speaker: Summarizes the debate and delivers a strong closing statement.

Action Step: Decide who will take which role in your team and ensure everyone is prepared.

7. Prepare for Cross-Examination (if applicable)

  • Prepare strong questions: Ask clear, concise questions designed to expose weaknesses in the opposition’s arguments.
  • Stay calm and respectful: The goal is to probe weaknesses, not attack personally.

Action Step: Prepare a list of insightful questions for the cross-examination phase.

8. Final Preparations

  • Know the format: Review the rules of the specific debate format you're participating in.
  • Prepare materials: Bring necessary materials like notes, evidence, or a timer.
  • Stay organized: Plan how you'll handle notes during the debate, especially when referring to sources.

Action Step: On the day of the debate, ensure you have everything prepared, from research to speaking points.

9. Stay Calm and Confident During the Debate

  • Stay focused: Listen carefully to the opposition and stay calm.
  • Adapt: Be flexible if the debate takes unexpected turns. Quick thinking is a key skill in debating.

Action Step: Stay positive and treat every debate as a learning experience.